When it comes to closing your event, there are 2 separate dates you'll deal with. First is event registration, when people can register to attend your event. You can close your event registration by clicking the green dot next to the name of your event in the event list. If you don't close registration, your event will automatically close after your event date. This does not affect your participant's fundraising pages, which usually stay open for 30 days after your event is over. Your event does not need to be open for your fundraiser pages to stay open.

The second date is the Fundraising Goal Deadline. This is the date that your fundraisers have to reach their goals. This is the count down on the event web page and on the fundraiser's page. We no longer show the notification that the event is over but you can still give. When the goal deadline has been reached, the countdown will be removed and the pages will stay open for 30 days (or longer if you have chosen for them to remain open longer).

Set your Default Goal Deadline by following these steps:

  1. From your Event Information link, click on Edit Details
  2. Scroll down to the FundEasy Pages section
  3. Set the date and time in the Default Goal Deadline box (notice that the time is Central Time). This is usually set for the start of the day of your event. If you want the countdown to end after the day of your event, change the Default Goal Deadline time to midnight of the next day.
  4. Your participants' pages will show the event is over, but people may still give for at least one month after your event date.

FundEasy pages stay open for one month after your event by default, but you can change that in the FundEasy Pages Expire pulldown. Once your participant FundEasy pages go offline, you cannot use this pulldown to put them back online.

Updated 5/18/18