Express Person Lookup
Register a guest to any existing group
Register a group host
Register a guest from the declines/regrets group
Register a declined guest silently (no confirmation email)
Restore registration of a cancelled guest
Skipping payment

Register guests or hosts using the Register person link in the right corner of the dark blue menu bar and complete the form.

Express Person Lookup

Speed up your registration using Express Person Lookup

  1. Fill in the First Name and/or Last Name in the Express Person Lookup box and click Lookup. Note: The system will look for exact matches, so we suggest first trying just the last name if you know how to spell it correctly. If you try Bob Anderson, but the person was registered under Robert Anderson, he will not show up. If you are unsure of the spelling, you can also type in a partial name such as "Anders".
  2. Using the popup search window, click on the name of the person you wish to use to autofill the form.
  3. The registration form will be automatically filled in with the information from that person's profile.
  4. If any information is incorrect, editing it during registration will update the profile when the registration is completed.

Register a guest to any existing group.

  1. In the Viewing Options column, select the group you would like to add a guest to. This will bring up a view of the group.
  2. Click on the Add a Person link located in the lower right corner of the group.
  3. Fill out and submit the registration form. 

Registering a Group Host

Registering a Group Host is no different than registering a guest. The only difference is that after the registration is complete, the guest is automatically promoted to host status.

  1. Click on the Add Host link in the menu bar.
  2. Fill out and submit the registration form.
  3. If someone registers as a guest and later wants to become a host, you can manually promote them from guest to host status.

Register a guest from the Declined/Regrets group

  1. Select the Declined/Regrets group in the Viewing Options list.
  2. Click the checkbox of the guest that you would like to register to your event.
  3. Click the Register button at the bottom of the Declined/Regrets list.
  4. Complete the Registration Form.

    Note: You can only register one guest at a time.

Register a declined guest silently (no confirmation email sent)

  1. Select the Declined/Regrets group in the Viewing Options list.
  2. Click the checkbox of the guest that you would like to register to your event.
  3. Click the Register Silently button at the bottom of the Declined/Regrets list.
  4. The Register to which group? drop down will appear. Select the group name in which you would like to register the guest.
  5. Click Go.

    Note: You can silently register more than one guest at a time. Guests who are registered silently will NOT receive their confirmation email.

Restoring Registration For A Cancelled Guest

Restoring the registration of a cancelled member will place the guest back into the original group he was a member of before he was cancelled.Under Viewing

  1. Options, click on the Cancelled Members link.
  2. Check the box next to the guest’s name.
  3. Click the Restore Registrations button.

Note: if you are using a required email address field, you can use to bypass the field without saving a fake or dummy email to your registrant's profile. 

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Updated 10/13/16