There are two steps to creating the table chart. The first is to set the table arrangement, which means that you will add, edit, and delete tables in order match the configuration of tables in your event facility. Once your table arrangement is set, you are ready to assign groups to tables on the chart.

Create Your Table Chart

  1. Click [ Table Chart ] in the Viewing Options list.
  2. Input the Number of tables on first row, and the Number of rows.

    Note: Fill in the number of tables in the longest row. This will create a rectangular diagram of tables. You can make edits to the exact placement of tables on the next screen. For staggered tables, use twice as many tables in the first row as you need and then leave every other table number blank.

  3. Enter the default number of seats per table. You can customize this on the table chart
  4. Click Continue to see your table chart.